Monday, 14 October 2013

Blogger confusion - PLEASE READ!!

There has been some confusion with blogger and how your site links to the main blog hub.
Hopefully this clarifiies it but if not please see me ASAP.

1. You should have set up your OWN blog site. You can do this by clicking 'create new blog' . Put your name, AS Media Studies Foundation Portfolio and your candidate number (if you know it). Do not post directly to our blog hub, this acts just as a gateway for us and the examiner to find their way to your blog site. Also this is where Mr Hudson and myself will be posting advice ang guidance and you can also look at each others' blog sites.

2. You need to make sure your blog site is not a google + account otherwise the link on our hub page won't take us or the examiner directly to your blog - it will take them to your google + page which pulls together all of your googly ways. You can change this back by clicking on the link at the bottom of this...

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